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You know your Palm Powered device is a great calendar and address book. But if that's all you use, you're missing out on the best parts.
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For new users Amateur Radio Astronomy Aviation Careware Cigars & Liquor eBooks Emergency Preparedness Food & Wine Fun/Goofy Games Games: Interactive Fiction Genealogy Geocaching Health and Wellness Home Management Japanese Content Knitting Languages Life/Time Management Movies/TV Music Creation Navigation (GPS) Parenting Personal Finance Pets and Animal Care Reading Regional Software Religion: Buddhism NEW Religion: Christianity Religion: Judaism Religion: LDS Scouting Scuba Diving Themes and Eye Candy Travel Writing |
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Browsers Budgeting Calendar Credit Card Processing Databases Dictionary/Thesaurus Emulators Instant Messaging Mobile Email Onboard Tools NEW Project Management SMS/MMS Time Tracking Weblogging Word Processors |
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